The author, one of Africa’s most esteemed statesmen,a former head of state and president of Nigeria has also been a prolific author of books over the decades.
This was his first book, and from the initial publication, has remained very controversial. Sundry protagonists, critics et al seem to agree that the author hardly has a good word for other people, and apparently exaggerates his own deeds and “heroics”.
This book often strongly suggests that the author at the time was always sober, innovative, though wary during the war – or whatever was left of it when he became ensconced in the saddle of his “Command”.
We also get the impression that he was humane, he tried to fight the war with principles, and ended the horrific war, the fighting, without any iota of vindictiveness or cruelty.
And he was loyal to his superiors. It is an important if self laudatory book about the civil war in Nigeria.
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